Air Wave Vita

The Air Wave is revolutionizing the perm, resulting in bouncy, wavy curls with minimal damage compared to any other type of permanent wave technique.
After the service, the hair feels softer, retains luster, and has more volume.
Customers will enjoy:
Shinier look
More Moisture, more than digital perm
A softer feel and texure
Waves that last 50% longer
All over healthier hair
Takes 2.5 ~ 3 hours
Lasts about 4 ~ 5 months depending on wave strength achieved
Air wave for mens
Mens need Air Wave? Yes!
At Hair Caffe, we would recommend the Airwave even for the men’s perm. It is because the Airwave advances in texture, longevity, and is less damaging. The outcome of the curls will be soft and firm. The perms that are offered currently will damage the hair which effectively can cause damage to the follicles leading to hair breakage and hair loss. The Airwave has gotten great reviews and satisfactions from our clients. We can say that once you have experienced the Airwave, you will not be able to get a different type of perm. Highly recommend experiencing the Airwave for your next perm and enjoy your day in style!
Takes 2 ~ 2.5 hours
Lasts about 3~5 months depending on wave strength achieved
Air wave vs Digital perm
The difference between an Air Wave and the Digital Perm is the use of heat or air to reconstruct the hair.
Which hair textures are suitable for the Air Wave?
・Hair that are soft and want volume from the roots
・ For those that are looking for a natural looking wave
instead of ridgy curling iron type of curls
・ Hair that are damaged due to continuous coloring or
Which hair textures are suitable for the Digital Perm?
・ Hair that are coarse and those that easily lose their
curls after perming
・ Those that are looking for a ridgy, curling iron finished
The outcome differs from individuals and the type of curl/wave they are looking for, but in general Air Wave will be softer and the Digital Perm will be more ridgier. Instead of choosing the two perms from which will be suitable, it will be determined by the hair texture and the type of curl/wave your are looking for.
Air Wave will take approximately about 2.5 hours, and the Digital Perm will take about 3 hours.
エアウェーブとデジタルパーマの主な違いは熱でウェーブを固定させるか 空気の力で固定させるかが主な違いです
髪質が柔らかく 根元からボリュームが欲しい
しっかりとした髪質で すぐにパーマがとれてしまう
仕上がりは個人差とパーマの求める強さにもよりますが基本的にはエアウェーブは 柔らかく、デジタルパーマはエアウェーブに比べかたいしっかりとした質感です。 エアウェーブはカット込みで2時間半、デジタルパーマは3時間ほど施術時間はかかります。どちらが優れてるというよりは 髪質、求めるウェーブによりどちらかを選ぶという感じです。